1680 Addendum  to the 1677  Treaty Between Virginia and the Indians (Treaty of Middle Plantation).

1680 Addendum to the 1677 Treaty Between Virginia and the Indians (Treaty of Middle Plantation).

The Meherrin signed this treaty and  swore loyalty to the British sovereign (Virginia Colony) in return for being officially granted access to civil courts, hunting rights, and permanent ownership of land within a three-mile radius of their two towns of Kauwitzihocken and Menderink. The land granted to the Meherrin Nation totaled 57 square miles (or 36,480 acres).

The Articles of Peace stipulated that Englishmen were forbidden to plant within three miles of an Indian town, and that any who encroached upon Indian lands would “be removed and proceeded against.”

The Meherrin become subject to an annual peppercorn rent of three arrows and a tribute of beaver skins. 

At this time areas of North Carolina are also claimed as Meherrin territory.   

The two Meherrin Chiefs who signed the ‘Treaty of Middle Plantation’ are named as Ununtequero and Harehannah, The latter’s signature symbol resembles a snipe.

This is a copy of the original 1677 Treaty including the 1680 Addendum signed Between Virginia’s Indian Head Chiefs and Charles II (The King of Great Britain, France and Ireland).

Note: There are only four copies including this one known to exist.

Signatures of Meherrin Chief Ununtequero and Meherrin Next Chief Harehannah.
Signed between April and June of 1680.