Meherrin given shelter beneath the branches of the The Great Tree of Peace


President Thomas Jefferson and other US officials noted that a number of Meherrins migrated to New York with the Tuscarora: “…the Five Nations received the Tuscaroras into their confederacy, and made them the Sixth Nation. They received the Meherrins and Tuteloes also into their protection….” (Jefferson, Thomas. Notes on the State of Virginia: 1781).


In 1713 the Tuscarora (Akotaskarore) were given shelter and protection by the Haudenosaunee Confederacy . It was recorded that some of the Meherrin went North with the Tuscarora in 1713 when they were given shelter and protection.


In 1766 the Meherrin (Akawantcaka) were given shelter by the Haudenosaunee Confederacy.


In 1802 some of the Meherrin and Nottoway  settled among the Haudenosaunee Confederacy.

Permission to use the following poster titled Five Nations and Others by the late Ray Fadden was given to the Meherrin Indian Tribe for educational purposes by the late John Fadden of the Six Nations Iroquois Cultural Center. 

Click to enlarge


Hewitt mentions that 20 Meherrin (Akwenchaka) were incorporated with the Tuscarora in New York.

“Akawenchaka (Onondaga: A-ka-winch-ha-ka). -A small band that formerly lived in North Carolina, now numbering about 20 individuals, incorporated with the Tuscarora in New York. They are not regarded as true Tuscarora- Hewitt, Onondaga MS. B.A.E. 1888. (Hodge, Frederick Webb. Handbook of American Indians North of Mexico. University of Michigan. 1910. p 33)


Some of the Meherrin migrated to Canada and Joined the Six Nations on the Grand River Reserve.
(Johnson’s Universal Cyclopedia: A.J. Johnson Company D. Appleton, A.J. Johnson, 1895)


John Collier was appointed as U.S. Commissioner of Indian Affairs (now called the Bureau of Indian Affairs) by Franklin Roosevelt in 1933, a position he held until 1945. During his time serving in this position he met with the Mohawk Council of Chiefs. At this time he was informed that the Meherrin were taken under the protection of the Six Nations Confederacy, Haudenosaunee.