Historical Timeline
Trading Paths
Weecacana Trading Path (Tuscarora Trading Path)
Historic Meherrin By Name
Haudenosaunee Confederacy
Meherrin given shelter beneath the branches of the The Great Tree of Peace
Meherrin Veterans Memorial
Honoring the Military Service of our Warriors
Indian Schools
William and Mary Indian School
Meherrin Interpreters
Thomas Busby, serving as interpreter from 1677-1691.
Tomas (Tom) Blunt, serving as interpreter from 1691 to 1703.
Thomas Wynne and his brother Joshua Wynne, serving as interpreters from 1703-1705.
James Adams, serving as interpreter in 1704.
Henry Briggs, serving as interpreter from 1705-1726.
Doctrine of Discovery
The Doctrine of Discovery, May 4th, 1493
British Treaty-Making to U.S. Treaty-Making
The Doctrine of Discovery and its Enduring Impact on Indigenous Peoples.
The Vatican formally repudiates the Doctrine of Discovery. March 30th, 2023
1677 Treaty Between Virginia and the Indians (Treaty of Middle Plantation).
1680 Addendum to the 1677 Treaty Between Virginia and the Indians (Treaty of Middle Plantation).
1720 Treaty. Meherrin Indians make peace with the Connestogo, Ganowass and Showanoe Indians.
1708 A Proclamation prohibiting trade with the Meherrin, Tuscarora and Nottoway.
2013 American Indian Heritage Month (November) in North Carolina
2018 Indigenous Peoples’ Day in North Carolina
2020 A Day of Awareness for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women
2022 Indigenous People Day in North Carolina
2022 American Indian Heritage Month (November) in North Carolina
1661 Act To regulate the entrance of Indians into the settlements.
1669 An Act for destroying Wolves
1715 Act prohibiting Strangers Trading with the Indians
1729 Act for the More Quiet Settling the Bounds of the Meherrin Indian Lands.
1741 An Act Concerning Marriages.
1777 An Act to enforce such parts of the Statute of Common Laws.
1790 An Act to regulate Trade and Intercourse with the Indian Tribes.
1924 Racial Integrity Act (Virginia)
1924 The Indian Citizenship Act
1934 The Indian Reorganization Act
1971 An Act To Create And Establish A Commission Of Indian Affairs For North Carolina
1977 An Act To Transfer The Commission Of Indian Affairs To The Department Of Administration
1978 The American Indian Religious Freedom Act
1988 An Act To Establish The State Advisory Council On Indian Education
1990 The Indian Arts and Crafts Act
1990 Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act
1990 Native American Languages Act (NALA)
1991 An Act To Add An Indian Member From The Meherrin Tribe To The Commission On Indian Affairs
1996 Native American Housing Assistance and Self Determination Act
1996 National Museum of the American Indian Act Amendments of 1996
2016 National Bison Legacy Act
2023 proposed Amendments to Respect Traditional Indigenous Skill and Talent (ARTIST) Act
1758 North Carolina Council passed a resolution to help enforce the rights of the Meherrin.
1776 Declaration of Independence
2007 The United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
1986 North Carolina General Statutes § 71A-7.1
Meherrin Tribe of North Carolina receives State Recognition as a Tribe of Native Americans in North Carolina.
April 6, 2017 House Bill 586
North Carolina Indian Hunting/Fishing Rights.